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The first 2007's A-kontra - If the science research will save usMain theme of this issue is highly actual - the science. Four paragraphs are addicted to this. The first one is mostly inquired into embarrassments of current western science, the second is uncovering the dependence between country and science and their connection with bussiness sphere. This is followed by a story about relation of science and art and the Jiřina Šiklová's article about marxism's influence onto science research in the last regime.Private corporations are leading the war, paying dog soldiers, disposing of regular military array, fairly big amount of money are flowing to them. They are raising their own power position. This is not an annotation to till this time unknown novel by George Orwell but hard reality of current Iraq which is treated about in the article from british SchNews - purchasable military. About trip adventures, concretly from spanish Sevilla, talks the specific travel book. In not so far time we were witnesses of a couple of demonstrations which by way of different "aim" had the similar author - far nacionalistic and neonacionalistic block. These actions, anti-actions and their primitive medial "pulverization" is A-Kontra also interested in. We have prepared the dialog with the member of anarchistic-studies Institute. This is rare organization with center in the USA which (by lot of different methods) supports publishing (not only) of anarchistic ideas about current worls's problems. Large book review onto the book about anarchopunk draws its delineation in the 80's in the Great Britain. You will also read the recension to the movie "Kupredu leva, kupredu prava" (Left ahead, right ahead) and the book Cosmic snake, which with unison with main theme addicts the relation with western worlds and types of understanding the reality by tribes. Slightly controversial is the article from one reader which is directed to parallels of the anarchism, gay-sadomasochism and the nazi-fetishism. The capitol itself is the insert, which is composed by translation of the Sixth declarationg from Lakandon rainforrest released originally in summer 2005 by southmexican Zapata's national liberation military and the text which is showing it. A-kontra 1/07, 40 pages, april 2007, CZK 30,- A-Kontra - Town, town and townAlthough town isn´t main topic of A-kontra for the first time, it is still theme which has lot of to say. The articles of this issue deal with free public transport, problems of suburbanization, cyclist in cities and also graffiti.Sure, A-kontra also brings the news from the world, so there are also articles about Oaxaca, anarchist conferences in USA, situation in Belarus and conditions of anarchist movement in Russia and with this article is also connected interview with russian punk band Distress. There are also some articles which tell about situation in Czech republic. Mainly article about US anti-rocket bases which would be build there. Next article is speculation about last president of CR Vaclav Havel and last article take the topic from last issue (nation) and tells about biblical conception of nation and freedom. Overpayment is possible book je možné objednat on adress ČAS, P.O. box 223, 111 21 Prague 1 or e-mail:,, Pamphletes:Janet Biehl: Pozvání do sociální ekologie; SubverzeRudolf Rocker: Anarchismus a anarchosindikalismus Bombarďíkovy veganské mňamky II Kurýři jdou do boje; FSA Štěkáme, aby se o nás vědělo; KPK -1155 Tintinova dobrodružství - Budeme svobodní; Solidarita Jeanine Pfahlert: An introduction to anarchist feminism; AK Press Marta Kolářová: Gender in czech anarchist movement; Subverze Gilles Dauve a Karl Nesic: Kudy kam, světe?; Solidarita Za svět bez morálního řádu; Solidarita a Bloody Mary Hotlines - call center.inquiry.communism; Kolínko Books:Ondřej Slačálek a václav Tomek: Anarchismus - Svoboda proti moci; VyšehradVáclav Tomek: Ve jménu svobody; Manibus propris can see previews of T-shirts in our gallery.CD/DVD - music and films:Černý koně: Kdo bude další (Black horses: Who will be next?)Ska z Česka a Slovenska; ProtestFest 2006 (Ska from Czechia and Slovakia) Výběr benefit pro OHZ; Rage Dis Records (Selection benefit CD for Agricultural animals savers) The FTAA IMC video collective: The Miami model; Palash production sindicate Magazines:Underground harmony 1, 2Vegetarián a vegan 4/07, 2/05 Wildcat 73, 75, 77, 78 World revolution 302, 303, 304 Přímá cesta 8 Hluboká orba 24 Burdigala 5 Bloody Mary 11 Bloody Mary: 06, 08, 09, 10, 11 Informazione antifascista 19 Internationalist perspective 44, 45 |
When we have open?Monday - Thursday from 16:00 until 22:00 Free entrance! Please, donate us!Funding of infocafé is difficult and often loss. We shall be happy, if you support us!Account number is 948700001/5500. We sincerely thanking to all donaters! Statement |
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