Info Café Mole's column
Sochařská 6
170 00, Prague 7 - Bubeneč
E-Mail: kk(at)
Tel: +420 604 247 218
...write us or come
rb Events | Statement | We offer | Gallery | Guestbook | Study hall | Distribution | ČESKY rb

When we have open?

Monday - Thursday
from 16:00 until 22:00
Free entrance!

Please, donate us!

Funding of infocafé is difficult and often loss. We shall be happy, if you support us!
Account number is 948700001/5500.
We sincerely thanking to all donaters!

of Group of friends of the Mole´s column

Transport connection

underground *C* (red) Vltavská or *A* (green) Hradčanská and then by tram 1, 8, 15, 25 or 26 to Letenské náměstí
--here is map--
--here are timetables--


Non-alkoholic: limonade, juice, tea, coffee limo, džus, čaje, kafe
Alcoholic: with snifter
Beer: is cooked by proffessionals, it waits only to you - tasters with experiences
Food: it finds something to eat
Dog: isn´t food in Mole's column, you can take him entrain
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since 10.7.2006
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