Info Café Mole's column
Sochařská 6
170 00, Prague 7 - Bubeneč
E-Mail: kk(at)
Tel: +420 604 247 218
...write us or come
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---::InfoCafé Mole's Column: Mission Statement::---

Who we are and what we want to do

The infocafe is an anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist intitiative taken in the wake of the anti-imf/world bank protests of S26. People who had come together in the course of that gathering decided there was a need to use the energy unleashed by S26, to make sure something of use and value was left behind, when all the demonstrators had gone home. One year to the day after those protests, the infocafe was opened.

Yes, we are for a classless society; we are for the abolition of waged labour; we are for the collective ownership of the means of production, producing for people's needs, all of these things. And we are not linking ourselves to any one particular issue - the issue for us is class struggle, and we see what we are doing as being class struggle, even if it is outside the point of production.

But we want a society that produces not just for people's material welfare, but that provides true quality of life - bread yes, but roses too. We want a society that places play right back where it belongs - at the centre of life. So we are taking the initiative to provide what we feel is denied us by the present system of social relations. We see this struggle as part of the evolution towards social revolution. By experimenting with new ways of social interaction and collective organisation, we are walking towards utopia - even if that place retreats one step for every step we take towards it.

United by certain wider aims, alienated, exploited, we envision a different world. In order to reach an anti-capitalist world, we feel the need to act in new ways, and to wipe out the notion of suffering from our activities. We say NO to martyrdom, NO to sacrificial mentality. Because a movement that just wants to go down in (another) glorious defeat is not worth being part of. We intend the circulation of energy as well as struggles. We want to win this revolution, because it's the only one we've got.

We ask all those who agree with us to help us and participate. You can contact us virtual way on e-mail or directly in adress infocafe Mole´s column, Sochařská steet 6, Prague 7, post code 170 00.

---::What we by this project run to::---

Personal eguals political - what we want as individuals
Zdroj energie a elánu. Svoboda být sami sebou v uvolněném prostředí. Zábava a tvořivost. Přátelství. A experiment.
Společenství - sociální potřeby
Soudružství a solidarita - "skutečný kolektiv" rozvíjející naši vnitřní komunitu. Svobodomyslnost a přívětivá atmosféra. Únik z "ghetta" a otevřenost k "rozdílům", angažování se v nich. Mezinárodní duch. A rozmanitost.
Širší cíle - politika
Totožnost cílů a prostředků. Podpora propojování bojů a otevřenosti k vnější komunitě. Politická existence i na úkor bezprostřední efektivity. A nepřetržitý vývoj.
Po technické stránce
Jasnost procedur. Odpovědnost k sobě navzájem a k "vnějšku".
Collective infocafe Mole´s column

Group of friends of Mole´s column

Do you want to support Mole´s Column? Do you want to be in a closer contact with the activities of the infocafé?

In 2001, the Mole´s Column infocafé was opened in Prague. It´s aim was to offer a place for all kinds of subversive activities - meetings of political groups, debates, workshops, study room, projection or just hanging out. The collective which administrated it had to deal with many problems. The infocafé was built in a cellarage at the costs of the collective, which was in the state of a pemanent financial crisis dealt with by grants from the pockets of the collective. The aims which had been set were realised slower than it originally wanted. In spite of this, Mole´s Column became a place for get-togethers and many meetings, debates (about Spanish revolution, disturbances in the suburbs in France etc.) and parties were held.

However, the collective of the Mole´s column was unable to finance the infocafé in September of the last year. The menace of closure became really urgent. The problem was even worse, because it came in time when the reconstruction of Mole´s column was almost finished, the computer project started and the study project in great progress. Mainly, the Mole´s Column had for the first time the possibility to pursue a real program and improve the place, rather than care about the most basic things.

Fortunately, there were other people and groups which knew that it would be really bad to lose a place like Mole´s Column. Mainly those people received an appeal for some financial support. And this was the impulse for founding the "Collective of Mole´s Column friends".

It is a community of people who want to support MC financially on a regular basis (by a standing order) or occasionally by their ideas or materially. By means of Friends of MC they are informed about the financial situation and how their financial support was used and they also participate in the planning and the development of the infocafé (the first aim was to prepare the place for the realization of the study room). They are informed about the events in MC by a mailing list or the meetings which are called irregularly when necessary.

If you think that a place like Mole´s Column has sense and you want to support it, then the Collective of Mole´s Column friends is here for you.

Thank you,
Group of friends of Mole´s column:::
Collective of Mole´s column:::,

Account number MC: 948700001/2400

When we have open?

Monday - Thursday
from 16:00 until 22:00
Free entrance!

Please, donate us!

Funding of infocafé is difficult and often loss. We shall be happy, if you support us!
Account number is 948700001/5500.
We sincerely thanking to all donaters!

of Group of friends of the Mole´s column

Transport connection

underground *C* (red) Vltavská or *A* (green) Hradčanská and then by tram 1, 8, 15, 25 or 26 to Letenské náměstí
--here is map--
--here are timetables--


Non-alkoholic: limonade, juice, tea, coffee limo, džus, čaje, kafe
Alcoholic: with snifter
Beer: is cooked by proffessionals, it waits only to you - tasters with experiences
Food: it finds something to eat
Dog: isn´t food in Mole's column, you can take him entrain
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since 10.7.2006
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